This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Training material

E.g., 09/14/2024
E.g., 09/14/2024
When using the filter, please use both 'start' and 'end' fields - Como participar | How to participate

Training material associated with the Glacier Lagoons of Sierra Nevada service.

This section provides a list of training materials being used during the GBIF.ES training events, a service provider of the EOSC-hub.


Training material used during the webinar: "Managing Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters in the EGI Cloud"

Video recording also available in the indico agenda


Training material used during the webinar: The Infrastructure Manager.

Recording also available in the indico page.

HTCondor-CE Intro

Training material used during the Webinar: "Introduction to HTCondor-CE service"

DataHub webinar

Training material used during the webinar: "The EGI Datahub to federate distributed data sets for data-intensive applications in the cloud"

Recording is also available here:

EGI AAI Check-In

Training material used during the webinar: "The EGI AAI Check-In service for scientific communities"

The EGI AAI Check-In service for scientific communities

Training material used during the webinar: "The EGI AAI Check-In service for scientific communities"

Structural biology in the cloud - 10 years of experience of using EGI services

Slide-deck used during the Webinar: Structural biology in the cloud - 10 years of experience of using EGI services

EGI Federation - Advanced Computing for Research

Material used during the Webinar: EGI Federation - Advanced Computing for Research
Recording is available here:
